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Text File  |  1997-08-29  |  6.5 KB  |  225 lines

  1. $000After a slight delay..|*|*
  2. $100||
  3. $201||
  4. $402we are back with..|*|*
  5. $201||
  6. $100||
  7. $557The Word #16|^|^
  8. $446||
  9. $335||
  10. $224||
  11. $113||
  12. $002||
  13. ||
  14. $300Now on-line!|*|*
  15. $200||
  16. $100||
  17. ||
  18. -|-|-
  19. $005Wordz from Kei|Kei/Carnage|00-editorial16.txt
  20. Article Formats|Kei/Carnage|00-ArticleFormats.txt
  21. Changes since issue 15...|Amida/Carnage|00-Changes.txt
  22. The Word goes HTML!|Andy Bolt|00-HTML.txt
  23. $006Colour examples|Kei/Carnage|00-Colours.txt
  24. Diskback Service|Kei/Carnage|00-DiskBack.txt
  25. How to use The Word|Kei/Carnage|00-HowToUse.txt
  26. PD Houses read this...|Kei/Carnage|00-PDHousesNote.txt
  27. $007How to Contribute|Kei/Carnage|00-Contribs.txt
  28. Word of Warning!|Kei/Carnage|00-WordofWarning.txt
  29. Credits for issue 16|Various|00-Credits.txt
  30. Word Questionnaire|Kei/Carnage|00-wordquiz.txt
  31. $006Readers mail|Various|00-readersmail.txt
  32. The Word's email directory|D!ck|00-directry.txt
  33. What I want for The Word|Bootblock/Terraform|00-wordwants.txt
  34. The Word Colour Util|Bootblock/Terraform|00-colourutil.txt
  35. Messages   I|Various|00-MessageBox1.txt
  36. Messages  II|Various|00-MessageBox2.txt
  37. $005Messages III|Various|00-MessageBox3.txt
  38. ||
  39. $6243|>|0
  40. ||
  41. ||
  42. ||
  43. ||
  44. ||
  45. $f96Scene News Pt1|Various|01-SceneNews.TxT
  46. $f97Scene News Pt2|Various|01-SceneNews2.TxT
  47. ||
  48. ||
  49. $5004|>|40
  50. ||
  51. ||
  52. ||
  53. ||
  54. ||
  55. ||
  56. $ff5World News Part 1|Various|02-WorldNewsP1.TxT
  57. $fe5D!cks guide to basic HTML|D!ck|02-HTML01.txt
  58. $fe6The future of the CPU|Phil97|02-fcpu.txt
  59. $fd6Females and computers|Dan Wood|02-fecomp.txt
  60. $fd7Online update|Dave Diamond|02-online.txt
  61. $fc7End of freemail?|D!ck|02-freemail.txt
  62. $fc8Calling all wibblers|D!ck|02-wibbler.txt
  63. $fb8Blitz corner|Bootblock/Terraform|02-blitzcorner.txt
  64. $fb9Blitz tips 5|Bootblock/Terraform|02-blitztips5.txt
  65. $fbaMods|Kenco/Carnage|02-mods.txt
  66. $ffb||
  67. $00510|>|0
  68. $005||
  69. $004||
  70. $004||
  71. $003||
  72. $003||
  73. $002||
  74. $fafBlitz Amiga Mag Creator|Bootblock/Terraform|03-blitzamc.txt
  75. $fbfBlitz fix|Bootblock/Terraform|03-blitzfix.txt
  76. $fcfBoxy Boy level codes|D!ck|03-boxcodes.txt
  77. $fdfCoin-up Conversions|Dave Diamond|03-coin.txt
  78. $fefTekken II review|Bootblock/Terraform|03-Tekken2.txt
  79. $fefV-Rally review|No.6|03-v-rally.txt
  80. $fdfTokyo Wars re-review|Panead/Strobe|03-tokyowars2.txt
  81. $fdfMinskies Furballs review|Dave Diamond|03-minskies.txt
  82. $fcfCarmageddon review|Bootblock/Terraform|03-car.txt
  83. $fcfBig Red Adventure walkthrough part 1|John Barnsley|03-bigred1.txt
  84. $fbfBig Red Adventure walkthrough part 2|John Barnsley|03-bigred2.txt
  85. $fbfBig Red Adventure walkthrough part 3|John Barnsley|03-bigred3.txt
  86. $fafBig Red Adventure walkthrough part 4|John Barnsley|03-bigred4.txt
  87. $fafTomb Raider cheats|Bootblock/Terraform|03-TRcheat.txt
  88. $fafMore PSX game reviews..|Kenco/Carnage|03-psx2.txt
  89. $11d2|>|0
  90. ||
  91. ||
  92. ||
  93. ||
  94. ||
  95. ||
  96. $ffaA4000 problems|Amida/Carnage|04-a4000probs.txt
  97. Fit an ATAPI CDROM drive to an Amiga|John/Indy|04-atapi.txt
  98. ATAPI hack diagram|John/Indy|04-atapi.pic
  99. The need for speed|D!ck|04-nspeed.txt
  100. Using a PC PSU on an Amiga|John/Indy|04-pcpsu.txt
  101. ZIP drive review|Andy Bolt|04-zip.txt
  102. Samsung stuff|D!ck|04-samsungs.txt
  103. $011||
  104. Slightly More Serious...|*|*
  105. ||
  106. ||
  107. ||
  108. $7002020 Technology|Phil97|05-2020tech.txt
  109. 2020 Technology|Kei/Carnage|05-tech2020kei.txt
  110. Alternative 2020 Technology|Phil97|05-alt2020.txt
  111. Smart Life|Kei/Carnage|05-smartlife.txt
  112. The Death Penalty|Dan Wood|05-deathpenalty.txt
  113. Time Travel reply|Andy Bolt|05-timetrav.txt
  114. Time Travel reply|D!ck|05-timerant.txt
  115. Breasts reply|Dan Wood|05-rebreasts.txt
  116. Jenny Powell advice|Dave Diamond|05-JPadvice.txt
  117. I hate...|Dan Wood|05-ihate.txt
  118. Investments and Savings guide|Phil97|05-invest.txt
  119. Legalising pot|Dan Wood|05-pot.txt
  120. ||
  121. $0519|>|0
  122. $052||
  123. $053||
  124. $054||
  125. $055||
  126. $056||
  127. ||
  128. ||
  129. $402Amiga on TV|Andy Bolt|06-amigatv.txt
  130. $302Benny Hill fact file|Dave Diamond|06-bhill.txt
  131. $202Top dance tunes|Dan Wood|06-danchart.txt
  132. $201Dan's singles log|Dan Wood|06-dansingles.txt
  133. $201Film endings|Bootblock/Terraform|06-filmendi.txt
  134. $201Fat Of The Land review|Andy Bolt|06-fotlrev.txt
  135. $100Schoolyard Slaughter|Dave Diamond|06-school.txt
  136. $100Anti-Spice|D!ck|06-spice.txt
  137. $100TV advertising|Phil97|06-tvadver.txt
  138. $fff||
  139. 1|>|10
  140. ||
  141. ||
  142. ||
  143. ||
  144. ||
  145. ||
  146. $900Dave pulls in cyberspace|Dave Diamond|08-cyberpull.txt
  147. $900Damn whiners|Dave Diamond|08-damnwhiners.txt
  148. $700Dr.Bolt returns!|Andy Bolt|08-drbolt.txt
  149. $700Reply to gaybashing|D!ck|08-gaybash.txt
  150. $500Prostitution|Dave Diamond|08-prostitution.txt
  151. $500My first prostitute experience|Dave Diamond|08-prossy.txt
  152. $300Making love in the exotic rain|Dave Diamond|08-rainsex.txt
  153. $300Sex on the net|Dave Diamond|08-sexynet.txt
  154. $0505|>|10
  155. ||
  156. ||
  157. ||
  158. ||
  159. ||
  160. ||
  161. $02aAdverts|Andy Bolt|09-adverts.txt
  162. $029Annoying shits|Phil97|09-annoy.txt
  163. $028My brain|Bootblock/Terraform|09-brain.txt
  164. $027The gospel according to St.Diamond|D!ck & CB|09-btgospel.txt
  165. $016Crap CD uses|Andy Bolt|09-cduses.txt
  166. $015Dog-walking serial killer|D!ck|09-dogwalkr.txt
  167. $014Dog-walking serial killer update|D!ck|09-dogwalk.txt
  168. $004Cockney Rhyming Slang|Kenco/Carnage|09-cockney.txt
  169. $003F.A.n.Q part 1|Dave Diamond|09-fanq1.txt
  170. $002Teletext 324's|D!ck|09-funnies1.txt
  171. $002Teletext 324's 2|D!ck|09-ttext.txt
  172. $001I'm a TWAT|Andy Bolt|09-imatwat.txt
  173. $001The VEX files|alt.asci-art|09-vexfiles.txt
  174. ||
  175. $ffd7|>|100
  176. ||
  177. ||
  178. ||
  179. ||
  180. ||
  181. ||
  182. ||
  183. ||
  184. $000My views on the Olympics|Dave Diamond|10-olympic.txt
  185. $ddf||
  186. Various Bits & Bobs|*|*
  187. ||
  188. ||
  189. ||
  190. $229Kei's in Ipswich|Kei/Carnage|11-keisinipswich.txt
  191. $22910 Suprising facts|Phil97|11-10facts.txt
  192. $229The Unadulterated Cat review|D!ck|11-adultcat.txt
  193. $229Americans..|Bootblock/Terraform|11-american.txt
  194. $229Bootblock's desk|Bootblock/Terraform|11-bbsdesk.txt
  195. $129Bolty's desk|Andy Bolt|11-boltsdesk.txt
  196. $119Bizarre facts|Phil97|11-biz.txt
  197. $119Child models|Dan Wood|11-childmod.txt
  198. $119Feet Of Clay review|D!ck|11-feetclay.txt
  199. $019The night I could fly|Dave Diamond|11-fly.txt
  200. $019I hate BT|D!ck|11-ihatebt.txt
  201. $009Wallace & Gromit keyfobs|D!ck|11-keyfobs.txt
  202. $009Oh bugger!|D!ck|11-ohbugger.txt
  203. $009Yet more lists|Panead/Strobe|11-paneadlists.txt
  204. $009Pissed|Dave Diamond|11-pissed.txt
  205. $009Let's get this straight..|Dave Diamond|11-straight.txt
  206. $009Wibble world bloaty|Bootblock/Terraform|11-wibbleworldbloaty.txt
  207. $009Wibbly Wobbly.. a reply|Dan Wood|11-wibbly.txt
  208. $009Cyberpunk on USENET|Kei/Carnage|11-cyber.txt
  209. $009Enter Sandman|Kei/Carnage|11-cyber2.txt
  210. $009The Angelic Neon Blues part 1|Phyllis Rostykus|11-cyber3.txt
  211. $009The Angelic Neon Blues part 2|Phyllis Rostykus|11-cyber3b.txt
  212. $009Chatsubo FAQ|Kane|11-chatfaq.txt
  213. $5056|>|180
  214. ||
  215. ||
  216. ||
  217. ||
  218. ||
  219. $530IFF Ads #1|Various|12-IFFAds1.pak
  220. $420Text Ads #1|Various|12-TextAds1.txt
  221. $310Text Ads #2|Various|12-TextAds2.txt
  222. $200Text Ads #3|Various|12-TextAds3.txt
  223. $100Until next issue..|Kei/Carnage|12-TheEndArticle.txt
  224. ||